We welcome users who have uploaded authentic photos. Following these rules is simple when you upload your own photos.
Please read the list below to understand what you cannot upload on Znakomstva.ru.
It’s forbidden to upload photos:
- With pornography or erotic materials: naked bodies, naked torso, in swimsuit or underwear;
- With offensive language, violence against people or animals;
- Foto di altre persone;
- Photos with weapons, including from the army, fishing, shooting ranges and any other occasions. Please note, that the knife and bow are also weapons;
- With children or photos of children;
- With ads or promoting other websites;
- With contact information;
- Photos prohibited by law:
- Images and other materials that violate legal rights, including copyright;
- Any sexually assault or sexually explicit content depicting minors;
- Content that demonstrates dangerous or illegal activities such as rape, organ trafficking, human trafficking;
- Illegal goods and services: items made from endangered animal species, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs for sale on the black market;
- Content that demonstrates or promotes violence;
- Materials created by or by the request of terrorist groups;
- Calls for rallies and other expressions of political views.
We do not recommend to upload photos:
- With photo frame;
- Where people cannot see your face;
- With stickers and other graphic materials;
- With photoshop edits or photo filters, that significantly change your face;
- Random pictures or photos without you;
- Any images, quotes, memes and other images from the Internet;
Photos from this list cannot be your avatar, but they will be displayed on your profile. You can only send these photos in private messages.
To understand that photos are yours we have a photo verification process. You will need to upload a selfie with a gesture from the example picture. Don't worry, no one will see these photos in your profile.
These rules are made to make dating at Znakomstva.ru safe and enjoyable. Please note, all photos are checked by moderators in order to give you the best experience finding new people.